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The Heart of Healing

Inspired Ideas, Wisdom, and Comfort from Today's Leading Voices

Author Bios

JEANNE ACHTERBERG: The Healing Web of Human Relationships
Jeanne Achterberg, Ph.D., is a scientist who has received international recognition for her pioneering research in medicine and psychology. She is currently a professor of psychology at Saybrook Graduate School. She co-chaired the mind/body interventions panel for the Office of Alternative Medicine at NIH, and has authored over 100 papers and five books. Imagery in Healing (Shambhala, 2002) is a classic in the field, and Woman as Healer (Shambhala, 1991) is a ground-breaking survey from prehistoric times on. She is past president of the Association of Transpersonal Psychology, and Senior Editor for Alternative Therapies journal.

DEBORAH ANAPOL: The Marriage of Sex and Health
Deborah Taj Anapol, Ph.D., has been working with groups and individuals exploring sexual healing, the union of sex and spirit and conscious relationship for over two decades. She is based in San Rafael, California. She is an inspiring and controversial speaker who teaches worldwide. She is recognized as one of the foremost thinkers and writers on the subject of polyamory, and is the author of Polyamory: The New Love Without Limits (1997). She is currently at work on a book about harmonizing feminine and masculine energies. Information: www.lovewithoutlimits.com or phone (415) 507-1739.

RUDOLPH BALLENTINE: Peace Plan for the Gender Wars
Rudy Ballentine, MD, is a psychiatrist and holistic physician. He was president of the Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy for 12 years and authored or co-authored books on nutrition, meditation, breath, yoga and psychotherapy, as well as the recent Radical Healing: Integrating the World’s Great Therapeutic Traditions to Create a New Transformative Medicine (Three Rivers, 2000). He studied for 20 years with a tantric master and leads cutting edge workshops on tantra, gender, and sexuality. He has four children and lives in New York City. He can be reached through his web site, www.RadicalHealing.com.

CAROL BANYAS: Higher Self as Ultimate Physician
Carol Banyas, M.D., Ph.D., is a charismatic physician who envisions the integration of energy medicine and spirituality within the practice of psychiatry. She has many years of training in both traditional Western medicine and alternative healing techniques, and has authored many articles. Her posts include Medical Director of Geriatric Services at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, a fellowship in Geriatric Psychiatry at the Neuropsychiatric Institute in Los Angeles, and the co-creation of the Research Program at the School for Advanced Healing Research, where she currently teaches. Her web site is www.integratepsych.com.

BILL BENDA: Unconditional Love of the People-Whisperers
Bill Benda, MD, spent 20 years in academic and clinical emergency medicine before entering the world of complementary and alternative therapies. He is an editor, contributor, and medical advisory board member for numerous conventional and alternative medicine journals, and lectures extensively on a variety of topics in the integrative arena. As a research scientist at the University of Arizona, he is funded by the National Institutes of Health to investigate the effects of equine-assisted therapy in children with cerebral palsy, and is developing similar projects involving autistic children.

JOAN BORYSENKO: Strategies for Managing Your Mind
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., has a powerfully clear personal vision&emdash;to bring science, medicine, psychology and spirituality together in the service of healing. Her brilliance as a scientist, clinician and teacher have placed her on the leading edge of the mind-body revolution, and she has become a world-renowned spokesperson for this new approach to health, sharing her pioneering work with a gentle graciousness, enthusiasm and humility. She is the author of the best-seller Minding the Body, Mending the Mind (1987) and eight other books.

DEEPAK CHOPRA: Healing Our Hearts
Deepak Chopra, MD, has written twenty-five books, which have been translated into thirty-five languages. He is also the author of more than one hundred audio- and videotape series, including five critically acclaimed programs on public television. In 1999 Time magazine selected Dr. Chopra as one of the Top 100 Icons and Heroes of the Century, describing him as “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.” Dr. Chopra currently serves as CEO and founder of The Chopra Center for Well Being in La Jolla, California. For more information you can visit his web site at www.chopra.com.

GARY DANIEL: Shamanism Plugs Into the Wall
Gary Daniel, Ph.D., has over 18 years of continuous work in the field of human performance and behavior modification, Dr. Daniel has created a simple proven process that can create, in most cases, immediate lasting changes in his clients. The system is call NIOS, the Neurolmaging Optimization System. It incorporates the powerful proven impact of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), clinical hypnotics, biofeedback, vibra-acoustic articulation and laser technology. His clinic and spa, Allura du Jour, in Santa Rosa, California, combines traditional health and beauty treatments with advanced neurological technology. Find him on the web at www.drgarydaniel.com

JAMES DILLARD: Pain as Our Greatest Teacher
James Dillard, MD, has seen health care from many sides. Formally trained in three health professions&emdash;acupuncture, chiropractic and medicine&emdash;Dr. Dillard is an Assistant Clinical Professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Dillard is the author of Alternative Medicine for Dummies, (IDG Books, 1998), and has written columns for the number one health web site, OnHealth.com. In The Chronic Pain Solution (Bantam, 2003) he integrates the best of conventional and alternative medicine. He has been featured in Newsweek and People, and appeared on Oprah, NPR and The Today Show.
LARRY DOSSEY: Embracing the Trickster
Larry Dossey, MD, is a physician of internal medicine. He was a battalion surgeon in Vietnam, and chief of staff at Medical City Dallas Hospital. He has lectured all over the world, including the Mayo Clinic, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, and numerous major universities. Among his many books are Space, Time & Medicine, and Prayer Is Good Medicine. He executive editor of the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine.

ROBERT DOZOR: Integrative Clinic Meets Real World
Robert Dozor, MD, was born in Philadelphia, and earned his baccalaureate with honors from the University of Chicago in 1971. Medical School and Family Practice Residency training occurred at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) where he was named Assistant Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine in 1986. He co-founded one of the earliest medical ethics committees in the United States in 1984, and was the original editor of the proceedings of the American Balint Society. Dr. Dozor and his wife-Ellen Barnett MD, Ph.D.-have three children. The Integrative Medical Clinic of Santa Rosa (www.imcsr.com) opened in 2001.

GERALYN GENDREAU: Vital Catastrophes
Geralyn Gendreau, MS, is a licensed therapist, poet, lifestyle consultant, and professional muse. In 1987, she broke her neck in a bodysurfing accident and had a dramatic near-death experience. She is a master yoga teacher and blackbelt martial artist by day, a performing artist and ecstatic poet by night. Both on stage and with clients, she works to ground the light of pure genius to sculpt a more balanced world. As founder of Svelte International, she employs practical mysticism to help people break free of the food and weight trap for good. Find her on the web at www.svelteinternational.com.

JIM GILKESON: Exploding the Upper Limit of Healing
Jim Gilkeson, CMT, is a creative bodywork therapist, teacher and the author of Energy Healing: A Pathway to Inner Growth (Marlowe, 2000). A former brother in a semi-monastic spiritual order, Jim’s background in meditation and spiritual practice and his love for experiential learning have made him keenly attentive to the developmental and initiatory dimensions of bodywork and energy healing. He has practices in San Anselmo and at Harbin Hot Springs in California and is working on a second book on energy healing.

LION GOODMAN: Dorothy and the Disowned Very Bad Awful Feelings
Lion Goodman is an executive coach, author, workshop leader, public speaker, and businessman. He coaches chief executives, managers, and entrepreneurs, helping individuals achieve extraordinary success and happiness. His workshop “Everyday Awakening” is offered worldwide. He is a licensed teacher of The Avatar Course, an internationally acclaimed belief management and consciousness training program. He earned a degree in Consciousness Studies in 1975. His stories, articles and poetry have been published internationally. His full information is available at www.everydayawakening.com.

MARI HALL: Gardening Well – Weeds and All
Mari Hall is an American Reiki Master and the founder and director of the International Association of Reiki based in the Czech Republic. Mari teaches Reiki and self-development courses through her Eagle’s Path Training programs in Europe and the US. She recently introduced her new energy work ONE as a means to integrate more spiritual essence into our physical bodies. She is the author of the best-selling books Practical Reiki, Reiki for Common Ailments, Reiki for the Soul and Reiki. The story about Johnny is reprinted from Reiki for Common Ailments (Piatkus, 1999). Her web site is www.wisechoices.com.

ALLAN HARDMAN: The Impotent Hero
Allan Hardman is a gifted spiritual counselor and Toltec Master personally trained by don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements (Amber-Allen, 1997). Allan is a born teacher, whose piercing insight and compassionate humor create a loving environment that supports growth on the path to personal freedom. His healing guidance in relationship counseling has helped many people establish healthy communication. Allan created the Toltec Apprentice Community, a thriving Internet resource. He travels throughout the United States conducting workshops and leads “Journeys of the Spirit” to Peru and Mexico. Allan’s extensive web site is www.joydancer.com.

SANDRA INGERMAN: The Once and Future Shaman
Sandra Ingerman is the author of Soul Retrieval, Medicine for the Earth, Welcome Home and A Fall to Grace. In addition to teaching workshops in shamanism worldwide, she is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a professional metal health counselor. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture and adapting them to the needs of our times. She has done a series of remarkable experiments demonstrating that environmental pollution can be reversed using spiritual methods alone. She lives with her husband Woods in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

ANODEA JUDITH: The Body Is the Unconscious Mind
Anodea Judith, Ph.D., is a somatic therapist. She is regarded as one of the foremost experts on the combination of chakras and therapeutic issues and on the interpretation of the chakra system for the Western lifestyle. She is best known for the classic, Wheels of Life (Llewellyn, 1987). She has also released a stunning visual DVD journey through the chakras (2003), available at www.sacredcenters.com, and is the author of Eastern Body, Western Mind (Celestial Arts, 1997). She is a dynamic speaker and visionary. She conducted a private practice in mind-body therapy for 20 years, and now travels internationally conducting trainings in her work.

DEBORAH KING: Prescription: Truth
Deborah King, Ph.D., is a former real estate attorney with a doctorate in Healing Science. She practices Energy Medicine, treating clients facing emotional, medical and spiritual issues in her private practice in Santa Barbara, California. She is currently engaged in a long-term study of the efficacy of Energy Medicine on cancer. Her in-depth study of early life trauma and subsequent dis-ease is the subject of her upcoming book, Truth Heals. Deborah lives with her husband and horses on a ranch outside Santa Barbara, California. Her work is featured on her popular website, www.DeborahKingInstitute.com.

KATHY O’CONNOR BURROUGHS: The Scalpel of Intention
Kathy O’Connor Burroughs, DC, began her career as a chiropractor in 1994 in Petaluma, California after graduating from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Her method of practice utilizes videofluoroscopy, to view the spine in motion, conventional X-rays, drop tables, and a computerized adjusting instrument that senses motion of the vertebra. She specializes in difficult cases, especially patients who have unsuccessfully tried conventional surgery. After a personal healing experience with the NeuroModulation Technique, she added this element to her practice. Her web site is www.dockathy.com.

DEAN ORNISH: Love As Healer
Dean Ornish, MD, is one of America’s best-known medical authorities. His groundbreaking experiments led to the development of diet- and exercise-based therapies for cardiac patients, and earned him international renown. He is the author of Eat More, Weigh Less, and several other books. He is the founder and president of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California.

PAUL PEARSALL: The Beethoven Factor
Paul Pearsall, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical neuropsychologist. A former chief of the positive psychology clinic at Sinai Hospital of Detroit, he is now a clinical professor at the University of Hawaii and on the board of the State of Hawaii Consortium for Integrative Health Care. He recently received the Scripps Medical Center “Trail Blazer in Medicine” award. He has authored over 200 journal articles and 15 best-selling books. His most recent book&emdash;The Beethoven Factor: The New Positive Psychology of Hardiness, Happiness, Healing and Hope (Hampton Roads, 2002)&emdash;studies people who have thrived through crises.

ERIC ROBINS: Future Cures: Cheap, Fast, Radical, Effective
Eric B. Robins, MD, is a board-certified urologist in practice in the Los Angeles area. He has an undergraduate degree in biology from the University of Texas at Austin. He attended medical school at Baylor College of Medicine, and completed a six-year urology residency at the University of Southern California. He has had a long-standing interest in the effect of emotions on health, and is a certified clinical hypnotherapist. He has also received training and certification in neurolinguistic programming and energy psychology, and is co-author of Your Hands Can Heal You (Free Press, 2003). He lives with his wife Linda and son Jonah.

TABER SHADBURNE: Radical Intimacy
Taber Shadburne helps people transform their lives. He facilitates bringing meditative awareness to the messy, juicy stuff of life&emdash;emotions, relationships, conflict, conversation, love and intimacy. His teaching and psychotherapy integrate Buddhism, psychology, and conscious communication. He’s completed two years in residence at Dharma Rain Zen Center, dozens of silent meditation retreats, and serious study of the world’s mystical traditions, as well as an M.A. in Counseling Psychology, training as a Community-Building facilitator by M. Scott Peck’s F.C.E., and certification as a Radical Honesty Master Trainer. His web site is www.tabershadburne.com.

BERNIE SIEGEL: Understand Why
Bernie Siegel, MD, is a legendary figure in modern medicine. As a cancer surgeon, in 1978 he originated Exceptional Cancer Patients, a form of group therapy that utilized patients’ drawings, dreams, images and feelings to facilitate lifestyle change and personal empowerment. His best-selling book Love, Medicine and Miracles (Bantam, 1986) detailed those experiences. He lives with his wife and co-worker Bobbie in Connecticut, surrounded by children, grandchildren (8 at last count), animals and projects, as he continues his goal of humanizing medical education and care. His most recent book is Prescriptions for Living (1998).

LORIN SMITH: Journey of a Pomo Indian Medicine Man
Lorin Smith is a Native American healer of the Pomo tribe of Northern California. He travels widely, teaching native healing ways. He uses his hands to move energy in the bodies of those he treats, as well as Pomo medicine songs. He also uses herbs in various formulations. While he has focused on healing individual people for many years, his current passion is passing traditional Indian healing knowledge on to a new generation of young people. His healing talents were discerned in his teen years by the elders of his tribe.

TOM STERN: Changing Faces
Tom Stern, MD, grew up in North Dakota and central California, and was a national record holder in swimming before graduating from Stanford University. He picked fruit with migrant farm workers, rode the railroads of America as a brakeman, and discovered gold on a remote island in the China Sea. He has practiced with the Berkeley Family Practice Medical Group for thirty years, and is Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSF School of Medicine. He has traveled to Asia over 50 times, and written two novels, Gold Fever (AEI, 2001) and Vatican Gold (AEI, 2003). See www.tomstern.com.

ANDREW VIDICH: Theocentric Medicine
Andrew Vidich, Ph.D., holds a doctorate in religion with a specialization in the transformational methods within different religious traditions. He has authored several books on modern mysticism and healing, among them Love Is a Secret: The Mystic Quest for Divine Love (Aslan 1990). Dr. Vidich offers seminars and workshops in the field of meditation, healing and personal transformation. He is the founding member of the Interfaith Council of New York. His consulting firm, Learning Excellence, teaches contemplative practice, stress reduction and conflict management in educational and corporate environments. Dr. Vidich is a disciple of Sant Rajinder Singh.

ANDREW WEIL: Can Spirituality Heal?
Andrew Weil, MD, is an internationally recognized expert on medicinal herbs, mind-body interactions, and integrative medicine. He is a clinical professor of internal medicine as well as the founder and director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona’s Health Sciences Center in Tucson, where he is training a new generation of physicians. Dr. Weil has recently established a nonprofit organization, the Polaris Foundation, to advance the cause of integrative medicine through public policy, education, and research. In addition, Dr. Weil is the author of eight books, including the national bestsellers Spontaneous Healing and Eating Well for Optimum Health.

KAY WEINSHIENK: Matrix of the Health Awakened
Kay Weinshienk, DO, grew up in Colorado where she spent much time in the Rocky Mountains developing a deep love and respect for the natural world. She is a graduate of the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, and did her residency in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine at St. Barnabus Hospital New York. She is actively involved with teaching and lecturing on Osteopathic principles to medical students. She has a practice in traditional Osteopathy in Sonoma County, California, where she lives with her husband and two children.

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